6 Facts About Cotton: A Rich History In Being Useful

Chances are, you're surrounded by cotton right now. From the comfy t-shirt you're wearing to the crisp sheets on your bed, cotton is a fabric chameleon, adapting to both hot and cold weather. But cotton's story goes beyond its versatility. It boasts a fascinating history and some unexpected characteristics. Let's dive into the world of this textile champion.
Here are six fascinating facts about cotton.
Wet Strength: Unlike other fabrics that weaken when wet, cotton gets stronger! The secret lies in water's hydrogen atoms forming extra bonds with cotton's fibers.
Ancient Origins: Cotton boasts a history of over 7,000 years, with evidence found in Mexico. Cultivation goes even further back, with Pakistan weaving cotton into cloth around 3,000 BC.
Diverse Yet Chosen Few: Out of 50 cotton species, only four are superstars for fabric. These have the ideal fiber length and oil content for mass production.
Fruity Surprise: The cotton plant produces a fruit called a boll, which splits open to reveal the fluffy cotton we know.
Money Maker: Cotton, the durable fabric, is not just for clothes. Many countries, including the USA, use it for their banknotes, ensuring their longevity and security.
Moon Mission (Almost): In a space first, China attempted to grow cotton on the moon. The seeds even sprouted, but the harsh lunar environment proved too much.