Black Farmers Cooperative Empowers Community Through Wealth Buildingv

Philadelphia, PA – Food insecurity continues to plague many communities in and around
Philadelphia and despite advances, the city retains its dubious distinction as America’s poorest
big city.
“Today, African Americans and people of color consumers do not have access to affordable
healthy food,” according to the Black Farmers Co-op.
“The problem is compounded further when you combine these challenges with food insecurity.
Unfortunately, nationwide, about 1 in 8 of your neighbors, go to bed hungry or face food
The issues of both food security and wealth will be addressed during the Black Wealth
Community Day event on September 7th at the Southwest Leadership Academy Charter School
at 7101 Paschall Avenue; 19142.
This event will feature numerous workshops on such topics as how to acquire land, aquaponics,
urban farming, and much more.
This is a family event and parents are encouraged to bring their children. A Moon Bounce,
games door prizes, and other youth activities will be available.
WHAT: Black Wealth Community Day Event
WHO: The Black Farmers Co-op of Philadelphia; The National Association of Real
Estate Brokers (NAREB); The Philadelphia Metropolitan Board of Realists
(PMBR) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
WHEN: Saturday, September 7 th
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
WHERE: The Southwest Leadership Academy Charter School
7101 Paschall Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19142